Genuine community is developed outside our Sunday gathering. Everyone knows this intuitively, but only a few know this by experience. Why is that?
Real connection in the middle of our lives, where we need it most, requires coordination and intentional overlap. Before we could actually live in this truth, it took three years discussing, trying to get our minds around, and then simply reminding ourselves:
“We don’t go to church, we are the church.”
To help us get there, we purposefully de-emphasized the importance of “official” gatherings and embraced the disappointment we felt afterwards as a natural longing for more. We invested in who were more than what we did.
We began to understand the real depth and intimacy of community is developed in smaller groups of 2’s and 3’s. Thus the triangle metaphor, originally developed by Thad Mott. It gave us a concrete way to think of our community that acknowledges our finite resources of time and emotional energy and helps us focus on what matters most.
It also helped us value the little things because of their power to build up over time in unseen, unpredictable, unimaginable, truly amazing and beautiful ways.
This is how we learn – and continue to learn – we are the living Body of Christ.
We are a group of families striving to live an authentic faith free from artificial social constructs. We do not go to church, rather, we are the church. For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we struggle with and how to grow in this reality. We are Liquid.